Whether you’re in the market to sell some old books, your extra wedding rings, or that two-week old mattress and box spring set – there are 37 places across the country where you can make a little money on your items.
Some of the best ways to make money during covid as a kid are by selling your stuff. So, if you’re looking for places to sell your stuff, here is a list of 37 places to sell your stuff.
Both your intellect and your spirit will gain from decluttering. It may also be beneficial to your bank account. And it’s never been simpler to transform your trash into actual money than it is now.
Whatever you’re wanting to get rid of – clothing, shoes, bags, gadgets, furniture, décor, or housewares — you’ll almost certainly be able to discover an online or offline marketplace that will assist you.
Knowing where to look is crucial. Here are 37 suggestions.
Learning to pay yourself first is related.
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Where can I sell my belongings?

Why not kill two birds with one stone if you have stuff you no longer want or need and are trying to earn some additional cash?
The resale applications, sites, and shops listed below may be of assistance. Some of these sites provide free listing and selling, while others charge a portion of revenues, pay cash up front, or consign (meaning they sell your stuff and pay you once it sells).
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Craigslist is number one.

Craigslist is one of the first internet markets, where you can advertise anything for free, from tools to toys to DVDs to antiques (and much more).
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2. The Marketplace on Facebook

Selling products in your local region is simple with Facebook Marketplace. Creating a listing that can be viewed by everyone on and off Facebook is free. You may also publish your listings to any “Buy and Sell” Groups that you belong to.
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3. Amazon

While you may think of Amazon as a place to purchase new goods, there are many chances to sell old items, particularly books. You will be charged 99 cents per unit sold for any sort of goods (or a fixed price of $39.99 per month if you sell a lot). You’ll also have to pay a referral fee, which is usually between 8% and 15% of the transaction price.
4. eBay

eBay, the original selling site, may still be an excellent method to sell your items, particularly if you want to reach consumers all over the globe or unload a unique item (nearly nothing can’t be sold on eBay). However, you should be aware of selling costs, which may include a listing fee, a percentage of the sale price, and maybe additional charges.
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5. Make an Offer

OfferUp enables you to sell to a local buyer or send an item to a buyer anywhere in the United States. The majority of products are free to publish. You may be charged a fee of at least $1.99, or 12.9 percent of the selling price, if you sell a delivered item on the site.
OfferUp is the source of this image.
Poshmark is number six.

Poshmark is primarily a platform for selling used apparel, but it also allows you to sell home décor and cosmetic goods. Poshmark charges a fixed fee of $2.95 for transactions under $15. It takes 20% if you make a sale that is worth $15 or more.
Poshmark is the source of this image.
7. Etsy

Etsy isn’t simply a place for artists to sell their handcrafted items; it also lets you sell secondhand items. Only the “Vintage” and “Craft Supplies” categories are available for resale. There is a 20-cent listing cost per item, as well as a modest commission and payment processing fee when you sell an item.
etsy is the source of this image.
thredUP is number eight on the list.

thredUP is an online consignment and secondhand shop that offers tens of thousands of items from big brands. You may drop off your gently worn clothes at the service. You may select between cash or credit from ThredUp or an allied merchant if they accept (and sell) your clothes.
ThredUP is the source of this image.
9. eBid

You may sell almost anything on eBid, just as you can on eBay, either for auction or at a set price. However, since eBid costs between 2% and 4% of the selling price, you may wind up spending less than you would on eBay.
eBid is the source of this image.
Bookoo is number ten.

Bookoo is another local selling site that doesn’t charge any listing or selling fees. Although Bookoo is not as well-known as other services, it is accessible in practically every state in the United States.
Bookoo.com is the source of this image.
11. Vinegar

Vinted, a peer-to-peer online marketplace specializing in vintage and second-hand fashion, is a good place to start if you have a lot of gently worn clothing, shoes, and accessories to sell. Unless you sell anything, you will not be charged any fees.
Vinted is the source of this image.
Vestiaire Collective, no. 12

Vestiaire Collective, a resale website where you can purchase and sell high-end apparel, purses, and accessories, is a good place to start if you have luxury stuff to sell. When you sell anything, you may retain up to 80% of the money you make.
Vestiaire Collective is the source of this image.
LePrix is number thirteen.

LePrix is another location to offer real, pre-owned designer clothing. Although it is free to list an item, the site does charge fees when you sell it.
LePrix is the source of this image.
14. TheRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRealRe

TheRealReal is a high-end consignment service where you can send or drop off designer apparel, accessories, and jewelry, as well as fine art and expensive home goods. In return for a share of the earnings, they sell your stuff for you.
TheRealReal is the source of this image.
15. Rebag

If you have a designer bag that you no longer desire, try selling it on Rebag, a website dedicated to the buying, selling, and trading of high-end handbags. The website will estimate the value of your bag. You may mail them your luggage for free if you like the offer. You’ll get your money after it’s been received and authorized.
Rebag.com is the source of this image.
16. Steal or Borrow a Bag

Bag Borrow or Steal is another website that sells fancy handbags. You have the option of selling straight to the site (and being paid right away), or consigning and receiving 70% of the sale price once it sells.
Bag Borrow or Steal is the source of this image.
17. Once Married

If you aren’t attached to your wedding gown, bridal party gown, or accessories, you may sell them on Once Wed. The site will charge you $19.95 for your wedding gown and $5 for flower girl, mother, or bridesmaid outfits, as well as wedding accessories, as a one-time listing cost.
OnceWed.com is the source of this image.
PreOwnedWedding is number 18 on the list.

You might also try selling your wedding gown on PreOwnedWeddingDresses.com, which charges a $25 one-time listing fee per gown.
PreOwnedWeddingDresses.com is the source of this image.
Garage sales, no. 19

Hosting a garage sale might be an excellent method to offload a significant number of goods all at once. To attract more people, you may even gather some neighbors and organize a communal garage sale.
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20. Flea markets are a kind of flea market.

Community flea markets may be a terrific place to sell your wares. The flea market’s owner and operator will almost certainly charge you a fee for a stall. If you reside in a large city, you may need to register early in order to get a space.
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Buffalo Exchange (number 21)

Buffalo Exchange is a chain of vintage and used clothes stores with sites all throughout the United States. If one of their locations is convenient for you, you may schedule a meeting with a buyer. They’ll pay 25% of the selling price in cash or PayPal, or 50% in a Digital Trade Card, if they like what you’ve got.
Dev.buffaloexchange.com/ is the source of this image.
Crossroads Trading is number 22 on the list.

Crossroads Trading is a secondhand apparel retailer with locations around the United States. If you go to a shop, you may be able to get cash for your clothes right away. Consignment is an option for higher-end items. Crossroads also accepts mail-in submissions.
Crossroads Trading is the source of this image.
Plato’s Closet (number 23)

You may donate your gently worn designer apparel and accessories to a Plato’s Closet location near you. They’ll go over your products and, if they’re approved, you’ll be paid right away.
Plato’s Closet is the source of this image.
Style Encore (#24)

You may bring in attractive, gently worn clothing, shoes, purses, and accessories to one of Style Encore’s retail locations, which is a women’s resale shop. If customers like your things, you’ll be compensated in cash straight immediately.
Style Encore is the source of this image.
Once Upon a Child (number 25)

If you have gently worn children’s clothes and shoes, toys, and/or infant gear, consider donating it to Once Upon a Child, which has sites throughout the United States. An employee will inspect your things and, if they believe they can be sold, will pay you cash.
Once Upon a Child is the source of this image.
Play It Again Sports (n.d.) (n.d.) (n.

If you reside near Play it Again Sports, you should consider bringing in all of your no-longer-used sports equipment. You’ll clean up the area and perhaps make some money in the process.
Play It Again Sports is the source of this image.
27. Music Makes the World Go Round

Do you come from a musical family? Music Go Round is a resale music store where you can bring in secondhand instruments and sound equipment (such as amplifiers, MIDI devices, and mixers) and be compensated in cash.
Music Go Round is the source of this image.
28. Thrift shops in the area

Unlike Goodwill or the Salvation Army, thrift shops, particularly those that offer high-end or antique apparel, may be eager to purchase your clothing and other things. Look out local businesses on Google and inquire about what they sell and how much they charge on a regular basis.
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29. Secondhand bookstores

Your local secondhand bookstores may be interested in buying your books. You may phone ahead and tell them what you’ve got and see if they’re interested.
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BookScouter is number 30.

If you’re wanting to sell textbooks, BookScouter is a good place to start. The app makes the process easier by finding companies that purchase old textbooks and displays the pricing so you can compare and pick where to sell your books.
Bookscouter is the source of this image.
GoTextbooks is number 31.

You may also use GoTextbooks to sell your college textbooks and reclaim part of the money you paid on them. When you tell the site what you’re selling, they’ll offer you a quotation right away. After that, you may ship your books for free and be paid.
Sellback.gotextbooks.com is the source of this image.
DeCluttr 32

DeCluttr, which buys secondhand gadgets, mobile phones, DVDs, and video games, is a good place to start if you mostly have electronics to sell. The website will provide you with a quick estimate. You may mail your item for free if you like the pricing. If it satisfies your expectations, you will be paid within a few days.
Decluttr is the source of this image.
Gazelle, number 33

At Gazelle, you may be able to convert your old phone into some fast cash. The website will provide you with an estimate right away. If the numbers appeal to you, you may send the phone for free and get payment through Amazon Gift Card, PayPal, or check.
Gazelle is the source of this image.
Pawn store No. 34

You may be able to gain some fast cash by selling your outdated items to a pawn shop in your area. Pawn shops are often only interested in valuable items such as jewelry, collectable coins, and gadgets. It’s a good idea to have evidence of purchase with you so the owner knows you’re not attempting to sell stolen property.
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Facebook Groups (number 35)

If you’re a member of any local or specialist Facebook groups, you may wish to share things that would be of interest to the members. Simply take a photo of your item, explain it, and state your asking price. Then, presumably, the offers will begin to arrive.
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Instagram is number 36.

If you have a large Instagram following, you may want to explore offering products for sale there. Simply take a picture, give a short description, and choose your price, much like in Facebook groups.
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37. Host a “raid my closet” party.

Do you have any friends that might be interested in seeing what you’re selling? You could want to invite them over for a “raid my closet” or a “raid my garage” party. You may provide food and beverages, and make it a fun decluttering celebration.
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The food that was delivered

If you have clothing, furniture, books, or other stuff you no longer want or need, you may be sitting on an opportunity to earn some additional cash while also decluttering your area.
Turning your old items into cash has never been easier, thanks to all of the online and physical resale outlets currently accessible. It’s not even necessary to have a garage sale (though, if you have a large number of items to unload, that might not be a bad idea).
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The “get money during pandemic” is a blog post that lists 37 places to sell your stuff. The author of the blog, has found these sites on Google and Reddit.
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